Saturday, April 18, 2009

Kenyon’s Looses his first tooth!

He had been wiggling it for a while, and then asked me to yank it out.  It took some leverage, but then out it came!  The tooth fairy gave him $10 (because it was 11pm and she didn’t have change.)



The Hebbs said...

ummm can you say RYAN....little Rayn...too funny! Thye are twins. How you feeling? Hopefully well.

Rachel Seren said...

Wow, already lost his first tooth! where did the time go. They are getting so big!

*starstofillmydreams* said...

Wow when I was a kid I got a dollar from the tooth fairy, must be the rate of inflation...

Julie Barker Pullman said...

Hey, I'm so glad I found your blog. I'll keep reading. :) I never see you guys anymore. This will be a nice way to keep in touch!